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Earth Day 2020

If you’ve been keeping up with our blog posts, you’ll know that last week we reported positive changes that have been slowly creeping in since the beginning of the pandemic. Since humans tucked themselves away in self-isolation, the Earth has been flourishing: pollution has decreased sharply, skies are clearing of smog, and nature has returned to cities that were previously overrun with tourists.

Yesterday saw the 50th annual event of Earth Day roll around again, a day designed by about 20 million Americans back in 1970 who hoped to bring greater attention to the protection of Earth. Whilst most eco-conscious folk will have known about this already, it seems that this could be the year that the entire world became aware of Earth Day.

Now more than ever we pine to leave the house, and to marvel at everything that the world has to offer, which is why we think that this could be the most poignant Earth Day in history. We’re certainly taking notice of the changes happening day by day, and celebrating those tiny wins that come with less pollution from constant airplanes, traffic, and factory waste that are suddenly absent, or the return of crystal clear waters that were once muddied from constant use, that’s for sure.

Will humans take the hint?

With all the incredible changes to the world that we can only watch happen from inside our homes for now, is there a possibility that once the pandemic is over, we will collectively look after our planet a little more?

Worried ecologists and activists state that if we go back to our old ways once we’re free to roam again, all these positive impacts on nature will be undone, and life will return to the same state it was pre-pandemic.

Think about it; as soon as we’re allowed to leave the house, head to work, go on holiday, go wherever we please, air pollution will slowly rise again. There’s no way around it. Or is there? Could this be the time where companies create greener solutions to their work? Is this the time that engineers and entrepreneurs are finding greener solutions to help keep our planet safer, and less polluted? It seems like a long shot, but this is certainly the time to think about the greener changes we could all make to ensure a better environment for every single person on the planet, and, for the planet herself.

So what are people doing for Earth Day in 2020?

Whilst gatherings had to be cancelled this year, there were plenty of programs and activities that still took place all over the world, including key note speakers going live online, animation and poetry being made available online, and of course, YouTube videos telling you how you could also get involved in such a special day.


What about the rest of us?

Whilst taking part in group activities is strictly forbidden right now, there are still a number of ways that you can enjoy and appreciate the earth.

Getting fresh air and sun on our skin is important, especially during a global pandemic, so heading outside (if you live in an area that allows it) is our top tip.

Go for a walk

shaojie yjll5Pfe97E unsplashNot only is walking beneficial health wise, but you can take in the beauty of nature and appreciate the world we live in, and be thankful for it all. For many, walking can even be therapeutic, especially if you’re lucky enough to live in an area rich with greenery.

Wherever you live though, we can almost guarantee that you can find a new spot to wander, and you may be surprised at what you find. Pop in your headphones and listen to your favorite music or podcast, or simply let the calls of the birds keep you entertained.

Go for a run

If you’re the sporty type, or walking is a little too slow for your liking, why not head outside for a job or a run. Once you’ve got those endorphins pumping through your body, you’re less likely to find worries rushing through your head, and may even find this time relaxing. Again, if you live in an area that’s full of natural beauty, all the better. Take a moment to give thanks to the beauty you see around you.

Go for a bike ride

Another exercise allowed in most areas, cycling is an incredibly good cardio exercise that can help keep your spirits up. Plus, you can probably cover more ground on a bike than on foot, which means you can head as deep into nature as you like.

Do some gardening

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If leaving the house is completely forbidden where you are, why not head into the garden, or to your balcony, and do a bit of gardening.

For those of you lucky to have a piece of land to call your garden, this is the perfect time to take in as much fresh air as you can, and it could even be the time to tidy up stray weeds, prune those overgrown bushes or simply mow the lawn.

Getting time outside, especially around beautiful growing nature can be meditative, and help you wash away your worries. By tidying your garden too, you’re giving back to nature and helping to keep your spot of earth tidy and beautiful.

If you only have access to a balcony, it may be difficult to garden at all, but if you’ve got the space, why not order some pots, a little soil and a few plants, and create your own tiny paradise right there. There’s definitely something about greenery and colorful flowers that can bring a feeling of peace and relaxation.

Feed the birds

Another tip for those of you with gardens or balconies, why not feed the wildlife that uses your space for protection, or indeed as their own home.

Setting up a bird table, or hanging up bags of nuts and seeds is a simple act that can bring a wide range of beautiful species to your space. Whilst we’re not all bird watchers by nature, having a little bit of wildlife in your garden is beautiful and can help you feel less alone.


Whatever you do, don’t forget to take a second and appreciate the world around you. This planet is our only home, and by seeing the changes made by less human impact, there’s a possibility for all of us to help out in any way, no matter how small it could be. Whilst we may not have all the answers just yet, there’s no denying that even the little actions can make a big impact on our planet.

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