Surviving Long-Haul Flights in 2022
Welcome back to the PreParture blog. Last week we gave you smart tips on how to pack your luggage with confidence before your vacation. This week, we're focusing on surviving long-haul flights. We know just how tough they can be.
Packing with Confidence: How to Pack for your Vacation Properly
Packing your suitcase for a getaway can be a mammoth task, and we hear you - it's no-one's favorite thing to do. Whether you're heading away for the weekend or a family vacation that you've been planning all year, packing
The Small Business Awards 2021 – PreParture are Winners!
There we are! This week we have some exciting news to share on the blog - PreParture has been selected as one of the winners of the prestigious Small Business Awards. That's right, our hard work and dedication to bringing YOU a
5 of The Best Spots to Ski in the US in 2022
If you’re an adrenaline junkie looking for a quick getaway this winter, or not quite the adrenaline junkie, but more of a beautiful snow-capped mountain seeker kinda guy or gal, you may have already started to check out the best