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Preparture is a free scheduling app that helps users plan their itinerary around town, out of town, out of the country, and even before that final departure.

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“Preparture for business is a solution that helps tourism companies plan, schedule, organize and interact with their clients more effectively and efficiently.”

Preparture For Business

Learn more about our solution features and how Preparture for business can further enable your tourism business.

Easy Tour Management

Use our platform to create tours and enable guides to take control. With different transport options and tour sharing your group can seamlessly follow your trip route.


Guides for Everyone

Tour guides make all the difference. Manage your guides and let them take control. Assign different guides for groups and schedules. Day time guides for hikes and night time guides for outings.

View Tours Seamlessly

Create tour templates and with customizable options. Our tour management API allows you to view all tours in one simple dashboard with management options and statistics readily available.


Tour Calendar Management

Simply your scheduling with our calendar view of tours and routes. This allows your team to quickly view what's going on when. With options for daily, weekly, and monthly views.

Business Features

Our pricing is fair and straight forward. EVERYONE gets all equal features, but just pay for how long you want to use our solution.
PreParture for business allows custom integration to our APIs for business use. This allows almost any business to create plans with different guides. Great for organizing business trips and tours.
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Manage Guides

Use our solution to manage your trip guides. With unlimited options for guides and trip, organizations can create tours and experiences for your individuals or teams or both.

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Unlimited Tours

Our business solution enables businesses to create designated tours for different trips. Meeting in Tokyo, why not visit The Imperial Palace as well?

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Unlimited tour guides

Create and manage unlimited tour guides. Each tour guide have a separate logon to see tours assigned to them.

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Tour Management

Search by tours for quick and seamless tour management. Use our tour board to view, edit, delete, and view stats on any tours previously created.

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Tour Sharing

Easy trip collaboration by sharing tours with clients and teams. Easily make adjustments on tours/experience for live update.

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Publish to our Market place

Publish your curated tours and generate another line of income by allowing tourist purchase and listen to your curated tours

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Chat with clients

Search by tours for quick and seamless tour management. Use our tour board to view, edit, delete, and view stats on any tours previously created.

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Tour and tour guide analytics

View tour and tour guide performance analytics to help you make better decision on that tour is performing best.

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...many more features

... and many more features that will benefit and grow your business.

Need more insight, schedule a 1-1 demo with our team